發(fā)布日期:2022-10-09 點擊率:37 品牌:AST
博勒飛Brookfield粘度計美國ASTM標準目錄 | |
標準號 | 標準名 |
ASTM C 965-1996 | 軟化點以上的玻璃粘度的測定的標準實施規(guī)程 Practice for Measuring Viscosity of Glass Above the Softening Point |
ASTM C 1276-1994 | 利用旋轉粘度計測量模制粉末熔點以上粘度的標準試驗方法 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Viscosity of Mold Powders Above their Melting Point Using a Rotaional Viscometer |
ASTM D 115-2002 | 電絕緣用清漆的試驗方法 Methods of Testing Varnishes Used for electrical Insulation |
ASTM D 562-2001 | 斯托默粘度計測定涂料稠度的試驗方法 Standard Test Method for Consistency of Paints Using for Stormer Viscometer |
ASTM D 789-1998 | 測定聚酰胺的相對粘度、融點和含濕量的試驗方法 Test Methods for determination of Relative Viscosity, Melting Point, and Moisture Content of Polyamide(PA) |
ASTM D 1076-1988 | 橡膠.濃縮的、氨儲存的、乳狀的和離心處理的天然膠乳的標準規(guī)范 specification for Rubber-Concentrated, Ammonia Preserved,Creamed and Centrifuged NatuRAL latex |
ASTM D 1084-1997 | 膠粘劑粘度的測試方法 Test Methods for Viscosity of adhesives |
ASTM D 1417-2003 | 合成橡膠膠乳的試驗方法 Methods of Testing Rubber Latices-Synthetic |
ASTM D 1439-2003 | 羧甲基纖維素鈉鹽的試驗方法 Methods of Testing Sodium Carboxymethyl-Cellulose |
ASTM D 1824-1995 | 在低剪切速率下塑料溶膠和有機溶膠的表觀粘度的標準測試方法 Test Method For Apparent Viscosity of Plastisols and Organosols at Low Shear Rates by Brookfield Viscometer |
ASTM D 2196-1999 | 旋轉(Brookfield)粘度計測定非牛頓材料流變性能的試驗方法 Test Methods for Rehological Properties on Non-Newtonian Materials by Rotational(Brookfield) Viscometer |
ASTM D 2364-2001 | 羥基乙基纖維素的標準試驗方法 Standard Methods of Testing Hydroxyethyl-Cellulose |
ASTM D 2393-1986 | 環(huán)氧樹脂和相關成分粘度的試驗方法 Test Method For Viscosity of Epoxy Resins and Related Components |
ASTM D 2556-1993 | 用切變速率決定其流動性能的膠粘劑的表觀粘度的標準試驗方法 Test Method For Apparent Viscosity of Adhesives Having Shear Rate Dependent Flow Properties |
ASTM D 2983-2004 | 用Brookfield粘度計測量潤滑劑低溫粘度的標準試驗方法 Test Method for Low-Temperature Visosity of Automotive Fluid Lubricants Measured by the Brookfield Viscometer |
ASTM D 3236-1988 | 熱熔粘合劑及涂層材料表觀粘度的標準試驗方法 Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Hot Melt Adhesives and Coating Materials |
ASTM D 3468-1999 | 屋面和防水用液體氯丁橡膠及氯磺化聚乙烯標準規(guī)范 Standard Specification for Liquid-Applied Neoprene and Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Used in Roofing and Waterproofing |
ASTM D 3716-1999 | 地板拋光劑用乳化聚合物的標準試驗方法 Method of testing Emulsion Polymer for Use in Floor Polishes |
ASTM D 3791-2004 | 評價熱對瀝青影響的標準實施規(guī)程 Standard Practice for evaluating the Effects of Heat on Asphalts |
ASTM D 4016-2002 | 用Brookfield粘度計測定化學灌漿粘度的標準試驗方法(實驗室法) Test Method For Viscosity of Chemical Grouts by the Brookfield Viscometer(Laboratory Method) |
ASTM D 4287-2000 | 用錐板粘度計測定高速剪切粘度的標準試驗方法 Standard Test Method for High-Shear Viscosity Using the ICI Cone/Plate Viscometer |
ASTM D 4300-2001 | 霉菌污染對膠粘制劑及膠粘膜的耐久性影響的測試方法 Test Method for Effect of Mold Contamination on Permanence of Adhesive Preparations and Adhesives Films |
ASTM D 4402-2002 | 使用Brookfield Thermosel儀器測定非填充瀝青粘度的試驗方法 Standard Methods for Viscositu Determinationgs of Unfilled Asphalts Using the Brookfield Thermoesel Apparatus |
ASTM D 4889-2004 | 聚氨基甲酸乙酯原材料的標準試驗方法:異氰酸酯或改性異氰酸酯粘度測定 Standard Test Method for Polyurethane Raw Materials:Determination of Viscosity of Crude or Modified Isocyanates |
ASTM D 5018-1989 | 煤焦油和石油硬瀝青剪切粘度的試驗方法 Standard Test Method for Shear viscosity of Coal-Tar and Petroleum Pitches |
ASTM D 5133-2005 | 溫度掃描技術測試潤滑油的低溫、低剪切率、粘性/溫度依賴性的標準試驗方法 Standard Test Method for Low Temperature, Low Shear Rate, Viscosity/Temperature Dependence of Lubricating Oils Using a Temperature-Scanning Technique |
ASTM D 6080-1997 | 液壓流體粘滯特性定義的標準操作 Standard Practice for Defining the Viscosity Characteristics of Hydraulic Fluids |
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